9 June 2010

Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

The number of blogs increasing every day and is competition. You blog is likely to remain unknown in a paradise of information if no measures are taken to increase blog traffic. Following these steps will help you significantly increase traffic blog.

1. Write good content and is regularly

Updated content of the blog is the best way to gather attention and to gather regularly to the public. Content is king on the web and people tend to look for quality information regarding their interest. It is advisable to send quality content to your blog, and it is important to choose a niche where you are an expert.

When a visitor to recognize their niche of expertise, they will continue to visit your blog more regularly. E 'therefore imperative that you update your blog for new information. You can increase traffic to your blog by following this article.

2. Networking:

Network is important from the moment you get started. Some of the concepts of networking, you can use are: 1. Posting comments on blogs belonging to your sales niche
2. Allowing bloggers to place links in their comments
3. Interacting with other bloggers who share your passion and belong.

Remember, you should try to build a genuine relationship to man and not just advertising on blogs. When you develop confidence in your relationship to the plans that will benefit both you and your blog will help increase traffic to your blog.

3. Promote your articles:

Promote your niche and the content that you write on your blog. The best way to encourage writing killer content that shows your expertise in your niche. If you are a member of a community or network, everyone knows your expertise. You can submit your articles to social bookmarking sites. You can promote your articles through forums and discussion groups. All these efforts will certainly help increase blog traffic.

4. Search Engine Optimization:

When writing your blog content, you should consider optimizing the content, it is necessary to increase blog traffic. You'll need to search keywords that are niche or topic and search for keywords that are used in human search for information about your niche. It is advisable to keep your keyword density is more than two percent, but less than four percent. And 'essential that you do not stuff keywords in places, and information and keywords should go with the flow.

All the steps above to be used in the right way to increase blog traffic. You must make an effort to get a good flow of your blog.


  1. hmmmm i think the no. 3 point i didn't understand hw to do it bro....can u elobrate for me...

  2. U can promote u're site or blog articles through forums or social bookmarking sites.

  3. from my reading/research, item no 3 wont effectively, because, what we need is user with interest for the content. for sure that trick will help increase the traffic, but chance for them interested with the ads are low..that was my opinion and base on my research..and, one think, what i read, for people doing blog for money, what u need to do is, 60% research, 30% read, and 10% write..correct me if i'm wrong..thanks..:)

  4. how to check webs that backlinked us?

  5. the simple way,u can use nuffnang
